
昭和生まれの男たちによるスラッシュメタル! ロボットアニメ・特撮好きメンバーが集まるとこうなる!





ボーカル:KEN・THE・METAL (ケン・ザ・メタル)



■2020年冬にギターのヒデ、ドラムのユウキで創設。ボーカルはPulse of HumanityPicoBitでも活躍するケン・ザ・メタル★が加入。陰陽座コピーバンドでベースボーカルの経験が豊かなカズヤがベーシストとして加入。これにてメンバー確定。
■2022年3月26日、存在をカミングアウト。同時に第一弾MV「殺戮ロボット~SATSURIKU ROBOT~」をYoutubeで公開。
■2022年6月19日初ライブ。と同時に4曲入りEP「FIRST CONTACT」リリース。現在はSpotify等サブスクでお聴きいただけます。
■2023年9月8日、新作「NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!」のデジタル配信スタート。
■2023年11月30日「NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!」のコンパクトディスクが全世界にて発売。




We “SATSURIKU ROBOT” is a Thrash metal / Heavy Metal band formed in Tokyo, Japan.

Thrash metal by men born in the Showa(昭和) era!

This is what happens when members who love robot anime and SFX movies get together!

(Guitar): HIDE
(Drums): YUUKI
(Bass Guitar): ISHII

(Bass Guitar): KAZUYA


■Founded in the winter of 2020 with HIDE on guitar and YUUKI on drums.
KEN・THE・METAL, who is also active in Pulse of Humanity and PicoBit, joins the vocals. Kazuya, who has a lot of experience in bass vocals in the Onmyōza copy band, joins as a bassist. Confirmed as a member.

In 2021, we spent time writing and recording songs.

■ Coming out of existence on March 26, 2022. At the same time, the first MV “殺戮ロボット~SATSURIKU ROBOT~” was released on Youtube.

■First live on June 19, 2022. At the same time, released an EP “FIRST CONTACT” containing 4 songs. You can now listen to it on Spotify, etc.

■On July 27, 2023, announced the conclusion of a contract with the Italian metal label Wormholedeath. The new work is scheduled to be released in September 2023.
Digital distribution of the new work “NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!” will start on September 8, 2023.
On November 30, 2023, the compact disc of “NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!” was released worldwide.
■On January 26, 2025, KAZUYA withdrew. ISHII joined.


Our band name is “SATSURIKU ROBOT”.

“SATSURIKU” in Japanese, slaughter, massacre, butchery.

We love Japanese Robot Animation and subculture.


COVID-19 influenced our lifestyle, but fuckin’ COVID-19 could not stop THRASH METAL!!

Our music style is basically, Thrash Metal and Hardcore Metal music.


※photo by JUNKO