• 11.30Sat.

    殺戮ロボット&GODZ presents 【Delivering the GODZ vol.1】 -1st anniversary of“NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!”release-



    殺戮ロボット -SATSURIKU ROBOT-
    the HAMMERED


    ■OPEN 17:00(bar space) / START 19:30

    ■TICKET : FREE!! ( 1ドリンクで入場いただけます! / 1 drink only)

    ※予約不要です。(No reservation required!)


    11月30日は何の日でしょうか?そう、我々のCD「NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!」発売一周年にあたります。




    共演のバンドは穴虎69とthe HAMMERED。


    そしてthe HAMMEREDはガッチリとソリッドな音が魅力なヘヴィメタルバンド。殺戮ロボットはthe HAMMEREDの主催イベントにも声をかけてもらっているし、YUUKIがthe HAMMEREDのライブをヘルプしたり、the HAMMEREDベーシストのTAKAとは旧知の仲。ということで、今回声掛けしたところ快諾いただいた!


    the HAMMEREDもここで敢えて言うまでもなくカッコいいバンド。伝統的なジャパメタの硬質さと洋楽的なアプローチが見どころ!そしてメンバー皆大酒呑み!ライブバーでお酒飲みながらthe HAMMEREDのメタルを是非ご堪能してもらいたい!!


    てことで、GODZにて大いに盛り上がろうと思う次第です。ちなみにイベントタイトルはJUDAS PRIESTの「Delivering the Goods」をもじって「Delivering the GODZ」にしました。Delivering the Goodsの意味は、グッズを運ぶではなく、一緒に盛り上がろうぜ!的な意味があるようです。→ムスタマさんのブログより




    What day is November 30th? Yes, this is the one-year anniversary of the release of our CD “NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!”. 

    Even after the CD was released, we didn’t have time to hold a CD release party.

    So, although it’s a small thing since it’s the 1st anniversary of the release of the CD”NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!”, we’re going to have a GIG sponsored by us with the cooperation of live bar GODZ!



    The co-starring bands are “穴虎69 -Anatora 69-” and “the HAMMERED”.



    Anatora 69 is a band that HIDE and YUUKI have often shared with the stage at the same live house since their band ARISE, which was active before they started SATSURIKU ROBOT.  Anatora 69 calls themselves “Shitamachi Grind (Downtown Grind),” they use various music such as hardcore, punk, surf music, and blues as their materials. Anatora 69 is a very unique band with a grindcore flavor. Honestly, it’s really cool! This is a band that we would like many people to check!



    And the HAMMERED is a heavy metal band with an attractive and solid sound. YUUKI and HIDE are old friends with TAKA, the bass player of the HAMMERED. And they invited SATSURIKU ROBOT to their host event, so we also ordered them to perform at our event, too.  

    The HAMMERED is also a cool band. The highlights are the rigidity of traditional Japanese metal and the Western hard rock, heay metal approach! In addition to this, all the members drink a lot! We hope you enjoy the HAMMERED’s metal music while having a drink at the live bar! !


    With this, I hope to have a great time at GODZ. By the way, the event title was “Delivering the GODZ”, a play on JUDAS PRIEST’s “Delivering the Goods”. The meaning of Delivering the Goods is not just to deliver goods, but to have fun together! It seems that there is a meaning. →From Mustama’s blog


    So, everyone, let’s drink a lot at GODZ and have a great time! We look forward to seeing you! !

    • 殺戮ロボット&GODZ presents 【Delivering the GODZ vol.1】 -1st anniversary of“NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!”release-

    • 殺戮ロボット&GODZ presents 【Delivering the GODZ vol.1】 -1st anniversary of“NO THRASH METAL, NO LIFE!!”release-